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Broadband Breakfast is the leading media company focused on Better Broadband, Better Lives.

We report on broadband policy and internet technology in Washington, the states, and communities across America.

Our events – particularly Broadband Breakfast Live Online every Wednesday at 12 Noon ET – bring experts and practitioners together to explain and advance the benefits provided by broadband.

Our premium product, Broadband Breakfast Club, helps broadband infrastructure and financial services professionals find people and resources to build the fiber, small cells, towers and data centers supporting the 21st century information economy.

Broadband Breakfast also hosts the annual Digital Infrastructure Investment Summit on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, which champions a robust 21st century information economy.

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Drew Clark, CEO

Breakfast Media LLC CEO Drew Clark has led the Broadband Breakfast community since 2008. As Editor and Publisher, he brings experts and practitioners together to advance the benefits provided by broadband. You can find him on LinkedIn.

An early proponent of better broadband, better lives, Clark founded Broadband Census as a way to crowdsource broadband data left unpublished by the Federal Communications Commission. Then, the Broadband Breakfast Club helped drive debate around broadband investments under the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Clark was appointed Executive Director of the Partnership for a Connected Illinois, the state broadband initiative, under Gov. Pat Quinn in 2010. There, he led a combined federal and state effort of fiber-optic and wireless infrastructure investments, including broadband mapping, economic development and digital literacy training. He has also served as President of the Rural Telecommunications Congress.

The articles and posts on Broadband Breakfast and affiliated social media are not legal advice or legal services, do not constitute the creation of an attorney-client privilege and represent the views of their respective authors.


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Ahmad Hathout, Managing Editor

Managing Editor Ahmad Hathout has spent the last half-decade reporting on the Canadian telecommunications and media industries for leading publications. He started the scoop-driven news site to make Canadian telecom news more accessible and digestible. Follow him on Twitter @ackmet.


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Jericho Casper, Reporter

Reporter Jericho Casper graduated from the University of Virginia studying media policy. She grew up in Newport News in an area heavily impacted by the digital divide and has a passion for universal access and a vendetta against anyone who stands in the way of her getting better broadband.


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Em McPhie, Marketing Consultant

Marketing Consultant Em McPhie studied communication design and writing at Washington University in St. Louis, where she was a managing editor for the student newspaper. In addition to agency and freelance marketing experience, she has reported extensively on Section 230, big tech, and rural broadband access. She is a founding board member of Code Open Sesame, an organization that teaches computer programming skills to underprivileged children.


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Jake Nenaan, Reporter

Reporter Jake Neenan, who covers broadband infrastructure and broadband funding, is a recent graduate of the Columbia Journalism School. Previously, he reported on state prison conditions in New York and Massachusetts. He is also a devoted cat parent.


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Quinn Nghiem, Marketing Associate

Quinn Nghiem studied communications and business at Villanova University, where she also participated in news reporting and video production for the university’s newspaper. Additionally, she covered economic and political issues for Vietnam Television, the national television broadcaster of Vietnam.


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Teralyn Whipple, Contributing Reporter

Contributing Reporting Teralyn Whipple, who joined Broadband Breakfast in 2022, studied marketing at Brigham Young University. She has reported extensively on broadband infrastructure, investments and deployment. She has also headed marketing campaigns for several small companies.


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