Certifying additively manufactured parts for aircraft installation just got a lot easier. The Stratasys Aircraft Interiors Certification Solution gives aerospace companies a faster, more streamlined process.
The Stratasys Aircraft Interiors Certification Solution is the pathway to achieving certification of additively manufactured parts for aircraft installation. Aerospace companies now have a faster, more cost-effective process for certifying parts using National Center for Advanced Materials Performance (NCAMP) design allowables, as well as the tools and documentation to show equivalency to that dataset.
A key element of this product is the Aircraft Interiors Configuration Fortus 900mc™ and the accompanying Equivalency Toolkit and Process Control Document. Together, they form the foundation to achieving consistent build results for certification equivalency and part production.
The Aircraft Interiors Certification Solution contains the components described on this document and includes all the elements needed to design and build parts for certified aircraft configurations using FDM-certified ULTEM™ 9085 resin material.
For more information, please contact the company via the enquiry form.