Fidelity Flight Simulation Incorporated dba F2Si has completed the delivery of three Diamond Star DA40 Modular Aviation Training Equipment (MATE) Advanced Aviation Training Devices (AATD) to Utah based Granite School District.
On June 28 2019, the MATEs arrived at the Granite Technical Institute’s (GTI) Aviation Department and are ready for training students in the fall semester. The GTI is in the forefront of introducing and preparing students for the aviation industry.
Their curriculum focuses on the study of aviation fundamentals, principles of flight, aircraft and engine operations, weather, navigation, and radio communications as required by FAA regulations. Students will begin flight training in the GTI simulation lab to focus on private pilot flight maneuvers/procedures for takeoff, cruise, traffic pattern operations, approaches, emergencies, and cross-country operations.
F2SI has crafted our exclusive MATE as a single-seat sled-based AATD equipped with a
simulated avionics system for the DA40 flight model. The Main Instrument Panel is
equipped with a physically simulated representation of the G1000 panels for a single-engine aircraft.
The emulated G1000 hardware includes Primary Flight Display (PFD), MultiFunction Display (MFD), and Audio along with an integrated Autopilot panel. The cockpit is equipped with Diamond DA40 style flight controls for stick-type pitch/roll, rudder pedals for yaw control, and standby instruments displayed on an LCD monitor.
Students will gain experience using the complex G1000 avionics suite in this device without consuming costly hours flying the actual aircraft. The GTI prepares students with the knowledge and skills to safely perform all DA40 normal/abnormal/emergency procedures upon completion of their aviation programme.
Founded in 2000, F2Si has designed, manufactured, and delivered over 70 simulation training devices for commercial, military, and educational customers globally. F2Si is a Veteran-owned small business (VOSB) based in Pittsburgh, PA. F2Si provides more than just flight simulation training devices. We offer customised simulator solutions for Land, Sea, & Sky. At F2Si, our mission is to manufacture affordable, highly dynamic simulation devices across the training industry with exceptional product quality coupled with our superior customer service.